SPR Special Discharge Request Information
South Platte Renew operates a 50 MGD publicly owned treatment works (POTW), owned by the Cities of Littleton and Englewood, serving the two cities and 19 connecting entities (sanitation districts and cities).
It shall be the SPR policy to protect employees, plant operations, the sanitary sewer collection system; and maintain compliance with environmental regulations.
As a service to its constituents, SPR may accept the discharge of non-routine wastewater discharges on a case-by-case basis.
A special discharge permit (special wastewater discharge authorization) may be issued by SPR for one-time wastewater discharges to the sanitary sewer when no alternative discharge options exist other than the sanitary sewer system. At no time will SPR accept special discharges that contain toxic organics, hazardous wastes, pollutant concentrations above the City’s wastewater discharge limitations, any pollutants that will interfere with normal plant operations, could potentially pass through the treatment works untreated, may limit the beneficial use of wastewater treatment residuals, or in violation of general wastewater prohibitions of the Cities of Littleton and Englewood.
Process for obtaining a one-time special discharge authorization (permit)
1) It is strongly recommended that the Industrial Pretreatment Division (Division) be contacted for initial screening/review of the proposed discharge prior to application (SPR Industrial Pretreatment Division 303-762-2600).
2) Complete the special discharge request application form. The application may require complete lab analyses for all pollutants of concern as determined by the Division.
3) Submit the completed application to the Division for review/comment.
Fees and charges
Application fees may apply in addition to the cost of treatment by SPWRP.