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Food Producers or Food Service Establishments

Modern dinnerware panorama with cutlery and various dishes, overhead shot


Restaurants and other food establishments (this includes sandwich shops, coffee shops, small take-out operations, smoothie shops, etc.) can produce fats, oils, and grease through routine cooking and cleaning activities. If improperly managed, these materials can clog sewer pipes, resulting in backups into the facility, damage to the collection lines, or sewage overflows in nearby areas.

A grease interceptor removes fats, oils, and grease from water used for food preparation, dish cleaning, hand washing, and other activities before it enters the sanitary sewer. Along with best practices to manage grease, remember to use a reputable waste hauler to properly pump and maintain your grease interceptor every 90 days, at a minimum. Food producers and service establishments may be subjected to inspection fees, penalties, and possibly costly plumbing bills if these interceptors are not adequately maintained.

All new food service establishments are required to:

  1. Fill out and return the Industrial Wastewater Survey:
  2. Send construction drawings of the facility to their appropriate sanitation district agency, including plumbing, plumbing fixtures, and details of the grease interceptor.

South Platte Renew will review plans submitted to the City of Littleton and the City of Englewood to ensure compliance with the Fats, Oils, and Grease Policy¹. The appropriate sanitation district agency will review plans submitted to other cities or counties to ensure compliance with area rules and regulations.

To prevent fats, oils, and grease from becoming sewer blockages, backups, and overflows, best management practices include:

  • Use drain screens
  • Dispose of food waste in the trash
  • Dry-wipe all cookware
  • Use a grease receptacle
  • Keep cleaning products away from drains

Employees must be trained to employ these best practices. Once trained, every employee should complete an Employee Training Form (you may download our forms for your convenience in either English² or Spanish³), and sink signs⁴ should be hung as reminders.


FOG Brochure


Grease Hauler Information

Grease haulers are required to submit manifests to South Platte Renew’s Pretreatment Division to document when pump outs occur. Click here to submit a pump manifest. Software is available to assist grease haulers with manifest submittal.

Please contact the Pretreatment Division with questions or for more information at (303) 762-2600 or

Approved Grease Hauler List

All State Pumping 303-944-0071
Denver Sanitary Company 303-295-0331
Liquid Environmental Solutions 303-936-4294


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Interactive Service Map

Use this search function to determine the Sewer District, Water District and Storm Drainage District for your address. It will also provide additional information on the service provider, billing provider and contact information.

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Community Events

Join us throughout the year for community events at our facility, where you can explore the water renewal process firsthand. We also bring water education to Englewood and Littleton city gatherings.

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Water Renewal Process

At South Platte Renew we use a biological treatment process that harnesses the natural power of native bacteria to sustainably clean and renew water using the least amount of chemicals and energy.

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